Past Performers of the Year

Two-row diatonic button accordionist Richard Koski was Performer of the Year for 2005.

Performer of the year 2003 and 2004 Maarit Vaga is a soprano from Tampere, Finland.

Performer of the year 2002 Ulla Suokko is a concert flutist and performing artist from Finland. She was introduced at FinnFest USA 2001.





Performer of the year 2001 Vicki Gornick is an organist from Chisholm, Minnesota. She was introduced at FinnFest 2000.


Performer of the year 2000 Diane Jarvi performs Finnish and Finnish American folk music, both traditional and her own compositions. She is a guitarist, kantele player (the Finnish folk instrument), and singer.

Performer of the year 1999 Craig Johnson is a classical pianist specializing in Finnish composers. He also performs works by other Scandinavian composers.

1998 Bernhard Hillila

1997 Koivun Kaiku Kantele Ensemble

1996 Merja Soria


Finlandia Foundation® Florida Chapter